Friday, May 12, 2006

Ni Hăo

Ni Hăo

Well we are off to China tomorrow morning! We can hardly believe that after almost 18 months, we are finally on our way to get our daughter. We are overwhelmed, excited, anxious, exhausted and everything in between.

Thanks to all who have emailed and called to wish us a good trip. We hope you will all be following along with us on this adventure of a lifetime.

We got updated info on Shu Fang: She is now 27.95 inches, 16.75 #. She lost some weight after having a bout of diarrhea after she was introduced to apple. She is apparently doing fine now. There will just be a little less of those cheeks to pinch when we first meet her!

We are so thankful to Anli, our coordinator in China, who has planned an amazing last child- free hoorah for us for the first week we are there. We really feel unbelievably taken care of. Once we get there, everything will be on auto pilot and we just get to enjoy. Its the getting ready to get there that has got us a bit crazed.

Well, we've got to go now. Its 10:05 pm and we are still finishing last minute things. We are leaving for the airport in 8.5 hours. I guess if we don't sleep much tonight, we've got a 14 hour plane ride to catch up!

Love to you all.

Michelle and Andrew


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wish you the best of luck!

May 13, 2006 1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you. Hopefully you are able to soak in the sights before the big day! Wow only 6 days to go. All the best!
-the Siegels

May 17, 2006 4:14 PM  

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