Friday, September 30, 2005

Waiting is the Hardest Part

Dear Friends and Family,

We have launched this blog in order to keep you all informed on the progress we are making toward becoming a family. Check back regularly for updates and eventually pictures of our trip to China.

Thanks to everyone for all the love and support you have shown us during the adoption process. It has been a long, strange trip, but we have experienced tremendous personal growth and made some wonderful new friends.

Currently, we are in the waiting stage. Our dossier (application files) went to China in May '05 and we are hoping to get our referral (our daughters name, picture and medical history) sometime between November and December '05. It is hard to say exactly when it will arrive because there are no guarantees, just approximations. The agency in China that handles all the applications has been turning them around, on average, in about 6 to 7 months. For more information on the average times and other statistics interesting only to neurotic waiting parents, please visit Ralph Sterling's site.

More later…

Andrew & Michelle


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