Wednesday, February 08, 2006

latest update

Hi everyone!

It has been a long time since we posted anything and as things get closer, we wanted to keep you all up to date.

Lots has been happening on this end. We are almost finished re-doing the bathroom and doing the nursery. We had a great baby shower in January hosted by the Alexander family- Jane, Chuck, Addie and Gabe. We loved having our dear friends and their children with us to celebrate the coming of our little one. The best part was the kids helping to open all of the presents! We are taking Mandarin lessons from a private tutor, Ping, who is in DC studying English. She is very sweet and patient with us. It is really hard!!!! Our 100 wishes quilt is starting to take shape. We have received fabric back from about 15 people so far. The quilt likely won't be done before we go to China to get our daughter (or son) since our hope is to get our referral sometime this month and to travel in April. So for those of you who haven't yet sent back your fabric, you've got time!

We really just want everyone to know how much we appreciate all of your love and support. This has been a wonderful process so far and we have been delighted to get to share it with all of you.

Hopefully we'll have pictures up soon of the shower and of Ping.

Michelle and Andrew


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